Boon, Daniel - Execution - Goulburn Herald


Boon, Daniel - Execution - Goulburn Herald


News report in the Goulburn Herald and Chronicle, dated 22 July 1876, regarding the hanging of Daniel Boon for murder.


The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle




Jenny Hodges


Execution of Daniel Boon – Wagga Wagga. Wednesday. Daniel Boon was executed this morning at the gaol. He was attended on the scaffold by the Rev. D. Hermingway and Rev. M. Dwyer. He had embraced the Roman Catholic faith on Saturday last. There were only a few persons present besides the officials of the gaol. The culprit spoke a few words of general contribution for his offence and said he hoped everyone would forgive him, for he had forgiven those who had done anything against him. The body was removed for internment in the afternoon, and a number of friends followed it to the grave: Associate Press telegram

The Public Executioner – Gundagai, Thursday. – The public executioner on his return from Wagga Wagga this morning was arrested for protection and brought before Mr. W. Love, P.M. The accused stated that it was worry and anxiety to screen himself that caused the disturbance. His nerves were not strong enough for his profession, and he intended to give it up. It required strong nerves to hang a man, and if he continued at it, it would drive him mad. He would rather lost £200 than the row should have happened. The magistrate dismissed the case as he appeared to be all right. – Telegram to Evening News.


“Boon, Daniel - Execution - Goulburn Herald,” Mary Wade Family History Association Inc., accessed March 2, 2025,