Home2025 REUNION


Accommodation Update - Expression of Interest!

2025 marks 250 years since Mary's birth and a reunion is planned for 14-16 November in Wollongong to mark the event.

If you even have the slightest interest in attending the 2025 Reunion… we need your help!

To ensure enough accommodation is available when it comes time for people to make firm reservations, the Committee needs to block out sufficient cabins and meeting rooms at the Wollongong Surf Leisure Resort by 30 November this year. 

(If you have recently completed a Reunion expression of interest form, we have recorded your accommodation interest already.)

Complete the Expression of Interest form to help  plan the program and activities of most interest to you, and provide earlybird interest in accommodation options (no commitments yet though).

The form can be completed online and emailed back by clicking on the address at the top of the form.

Even if you haven’t decided yet to attend the Reunion, you can express interest now in reserving accommodation with no obligation to confirm and pay until much later (tentatively September 2025).

We would hate for anyone to miss out because too many cabins have been released back to the venue for other guests at this popular time of the year in this location.

The Reunion Working Group is meeting again in early November so there will be more news shortly about the evolving program.

Our location is the Wollongong Surf Leisure Resort in Fairy Meadow - not far from where Mary once lived.

The venue offers a range of accommodation, and will host our presentation sessions and refreshments.  And of course a dinner is planned!  There will be opportunities to visit local spots relevant to Mary and her family's life in Wollongong and possibly a trip to Campbelltown.

Regular alerts will be  emailed to MWFHA members and posted on the Mary Wade Family Facebook group (If not already a member of that group, just click JOIN, and answer a few questions from the moderator.  Please do not use the Invite button.  If you wish others to join the Facebook group, ask them to do that on their own behalf.) 

Any questions? Please email Anita at secretary@marywadefamily.org