Browse Items (355 total)

Unknown 32.jpg

Unknown 33.jpg

Unknown 34.jpg

Unknown 35.jpg

Unknown 36.jpg

Unknown 37.jpg

Unknown 38.jpg

Unknown 39.jpg

Unknown 40.jpg

Unknown 41.jpg

Unknown 42.jpg

Unknown 43.jpg

Unknown 44.jpg

Unknown 45.jpg

Unknown 46.jpg

Unknown 47.jpg

Unknown 48.jpg

Unknown 49 probably Martha Stevens nee Rayner.jpg

Unknown Bertha dated 27061921.jpg

Unknown George aged 2 in 1915.jpg
Probably George Ray son of Oswald "Ossie" Ray and Selina Pickles. Oswald Ray was the brother of Percival Ray (who was married to Gertrude Mason) and Ethel Ray (my grandmother) who owned the photo.

Unknown Ray.jpg

A search of the family tree shows the following descendants of Mary Wade died during wars:

Bonnell, John Maxwell died on 21 April 1943 in Papua New Guinea during WW2
Boon, Arthur died on 22 July 1942 at Mersa Matruh, El Alamein, Eqypt during…

Bonnell, John Maxwell military records .jpg
Service Number - VX122008
Selected pages from the Attestation papers of John Maxwell Bonnell
Date of birth - 25 November 1923
Place of enlistment - Foster, Victoria
Killed in Action 21 April 1943 Papua New Guinea


Wade, Mary obituary IM 1859.JPG
Illawarra Mercury - 22nd December 1859


Fishers Ghost murder, source Ian Thomson.JPG
Nathaniel Boon, husband of Sarah Wade, identified Fisher's Body.

The Fishers Host website is and on Wikipedia's_ghost

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