Browse Items (355 total)

Minutes MWFHA Com May 2024.pdf
Accepted Minutes of MWFHA Committee Meeting

Voting regulations for the MWFHA_effective 21_07_2024.pdf
Procedures for the implementation of Sections 15 and 16 of the MWFHA Constitution

Death Certificate MARY WADE.jpg
Died 17 December, 1859, at Fairy Meadow, NSW. Buried 20 December, 1859, Episcopalian Burial Ground, Wollongong.
Note: "Children of marriage: 7 children living / 4-dead" [not 21 children]

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New analysis since the publication of  Mary Wade to Us (1986) about the identity of Mary Wade's parents


Minutes MWFHA Com Sept 2024.pdf
Accepted Minutes of MWFHA Committee Meeting
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