Browse Collections (22 total)

Unrelated items

Leonard Munro.jpg

Photos and documents of people that were posted on Facebook or added to the Mary Wade Family Tree who are not descendants of Mary Wade or spouses of…

Stories of Early Australia

A collection of books and snippets from various sources, that include mentions of some of Mary Wade's descendants.

Stories about descendants of Mary Wade

REMINISCENCES of John Hurst.pdf

A collection of stories submitted by Mary Wade descendants.

Contributors: see each item

Photographs - unknown persons

Unknown George aged 2 in 1915.jpg

These photos are posted in the hope that somebody will recognise them from photos that they may have. If you recognise any of the photos, then please…

Contributors: Bob Stevens hoping that somebody will recognise people in some of these photos (only one success so far)

Photographs - Places (historic photos)

Picton, Menangle Street c1900.jpg


Mim with niece Jenny Morphett .jpg

Contributors: as noted on each item

Oral history, stories and reminiscences


Newspaper Clippings, Death Notices, etc.


MWFHA Newsletters

MWFHA Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes published following acceptance by the Committee.

Military photographs and stories

Holcombe, Raymond Aubrey Eyre 1923-1942.jpg

Photographs, stories and memories of Mary Wade's descendants who were in military service

Mary Wade's Children

Stories of the first generations following Mary Wade.

Mary Wade To Us 1986


Items relating to the original book Mary Wade to Us published in 1986

Mary Wade Family History Association Inc. - about and membership


Mary Wade documents


Contributors: as noted on each item

Mary Wade Awards Presentation at University of Wollongong


Harrigan, James Edward.jpg

Contributors: as noted on each item

Family Reunions


Contributors: As noted on each item

Family Reunion at Port Macquarie - Sunday 19 August 2018


Be part of the first Mary Wade family reunion since the launch of 'Mary Wade to Us' in 1986.

Contributors: as noted on each item

Family Reunion at Mary Wade Correctional Centre Open Day & the Naming Day - 17th & 18th November 2017


Family History Day & Reunion at Canberra - 22 September 2019

Birth, Death and Marriage records

Death Certificate MARY WADE.jpg

Contributors: as noted on each item