Roger Frederick Honey, 19311950 (aged 19 years)

Roger Frederick /Honey/
Given names
Roger Frederick
Death of a brother


The death occurred in Wagga on Saturday of Ronald William Honey, at the age of eight years, after a short illness.

He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick James Honey, of 75 Beckwith-street, Wagga, and is survived by his parents and three brothers, Roger, Keith and William Honey. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon.

The cortege, which was a very representative one, moved from St. John's Church of England, after a service, which began at 3.45 o'clock, conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon S. J. West.

The interment took place in the Church of England portion of the Wagga cemetery, the casket being carried to the grave by Messrs. J. Campbell and W. O. Honey (uncles),- K. Keys (cousin), and J. Hume.

Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), Mon 29 Nov 1937, Page 4

Burial of a brother
Death of a maternal grandmother
Note: Youth's Body Recovered at North Wagga

Youth's Body Recovered at North Wagga

The body of Roger Frederick Honey, the 19year old youth who was drowned in the flood on April 6, was recovered yesterday morning from the Murrumbidgee River at North Wagga.

Honey was caught in the river current when he attempted to drive a horse and sulky across the floodwaters on the North Wagga Road. The horse suddenly swerved, overturned the sulky, and Honey was thrown out into the water.

Seen by Children

Police stated yesterday that early in the morning some children saw something lying In the water under a log. They told Mr. Les Lidden, of North Wagga, who went and investigated. He later contacted the police, and the body was brought to the surface.

Parties of police and civilians searched the river for some weeks after the accident was first reported, and Mr. Liddea was one of the volunteers who dived repeatedly in search of the body.

Funeral Tomorrow

Roger Honey was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick James Honey, of 19 Wall Street, North Wagga, and grandson of Mr. W. H. Honey, also of Wall Street, and the late Mrs. Honey.

He is also survived by four brothers, Messrs. Keith, William, Brian and Leslie Honey, all of North Wagga.

The funeral will take place tomorrow, the cortege leaving St. John's Church of England after a service commencing at 2.30 p.m., for the Wagga Cemetery.

Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), Thu 7 Sep 1950, Page 2

Family with parents
Birth: 30 January 1908Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 1 May 1980New South Wales, Australia
Birth: 1914 22 Uranquinty, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 12 March 1977Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
elder brother
Birth: 1929 20 15 Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 27 November 1937Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
3 years
Birth: 1931 22 17 Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 6 April 1950Murrumbidgee River, North Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia

Youth's Body Recovered at North Wagga

The body of Roger Frederick Honey, the 19year old youth who was drowned in the flood on April 6, was recovered yesterday morning from the Murrumbidgee River at North Wagga.

Honey was caught in the river current when he attempted to drive a horse and sulky across the floodwaters on the North Wagga Road. The horse suddenly swerved, overturned the sulky, and Honey was thrown out into the water.

Seen by Children

Police stated yesterday that early in the morning some children saw something lying In the water under a log. They told Mr. Les Lidden, of North Wagga, who went and investigated. He later contacted the police, and the body was brought to the surface.

Parties of police and civilians searched the river for some weeks after the accident was first reported, and Mr. Liddea was one of the volunteers who dived repeatedly in search of the body.

Funeral Tomorrow

Roger Honey was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick James Honey, of 19 Wall Street, North Wagga, and grandson of Mr. W. H. Honey, also of Wall Street, and the late Mrs. Honey.

He is also survived by four brothers, Messrs. Keith, William, Brian and Leslie Honey, all of North Wagga.

The funeral will take place tomorrow, the cortege leaving St. John's Church of England after a service commencing at 2.30 p.m., for the Wagga Cemetery.

Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), Thu 7 Sep 1950, Page 2