David Daniel Percy Hockey, 18851930 (aged 45 years)

David Daniel Percy /Hockey/
Given names
David Daniel Percy
Birth of a daughter
Note: Date of birth and location has been taken from US Naturalisation Records on Ancestry. Source: Ancestry.com. Idaho, Naturalization Records, 1903-1982
Note: OBITUARY Mr. D. D. P. Hockey

OBITUARY Mr. D. D. P. Hockey

Widespread regret was occasioned in Murwillumbah and throughout the Tweed district yesterday afternoon when it became known that death had claimed a well-known and highly respected citizen of Burringbar, in the person of Mr David Daniel Percival Hockey.

The tragic circumstances contributing towards Mr. Hockey's untimely demise were an added blow that will cause genuine sympathy to be extended to sorrowing relatives.

From the details available it appears that Mr. Hockey arose between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. yesterday morning to take a dose of cough mixture. By some mischance the bottle which he thought contained the desired palliative actually contained poison and Mr Hockey unsuspectingly took the draught which was to have such tragic results.

It is alleged that immediately after swallowing the contents Mr. Hockey remarked to his wife that the mixture had a bitter, foreign taste, and Mrs. Hockey, on investigating, made the alarming discovery that Mr. Hockey had drunk from a bottle of weed poison.

Help was immediately summoned and an antedote administered, with what was then thought to be the desired effect. Later in the day, however, Mr. Hockey became violently ill and Mr. J. W. Gray motored the patient along the road to meet the ambulance which had been summoned about 2.30 p.m.

Mr. Hockey was admitted to Tweed District Hospital in a serious condition, and, despite all that medical aid could do, succumbed at 5.30 p.m.

The late Mr. Hockey, who was 44 years of age, had been a resident or the district for approximately 25 years, and for upwards of 16 years had conducted an auctioneer's and commission agent's business at Burringbar. He was also a prominent member of the Loyal Star Burringbar Lodge, Ancient Mancnester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows and during his long association with that body had held many important offices - including P.N.G. and Financial Secretary.

Civic and sporting matters also engaged his attention and he held the offices of president of the School of Arts Committee and president of Burringbar Cricket Club

The late Mr. Hockey is survived by a widow, two daughters (Beryl and Hazel), two sisters (Mrs. A. Ross and Mrs F. Barlow, Brisbane), and two brothers, Spencer (Casino) and Bert (Wingham).

The funeral will move from All Saints' Church at 2 p.m. today for Murwillumbah General Cemetery.

Tweed Daily (Murwillumbah, NSW : 1914 - 1949) Saturday 31 May 1930 p 4 Article

Family with Eva Maud Delaney
Birth: 1885Shoalhaven, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 30 May 1930Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia
Birth: 25 July 1886 38 22 Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 25 February 1958Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia
Birth: 28 February 1911 26 24 Burringbar, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 1968Eden, Jerome, Idaho, USA

OBITUARY Mr. D. D. P. Hockey

Widespread regret was occasioned in Murwillumbah and throughout the Tweed district yesterday afternoon when it became known that death had claimed a well-known and highly respected citizen of Burringbar, in the person of Mr David Daniel Percival Hockey.

The tragic circumstances contributing towards Mr. Hockey's untimely demise were an added blow that will cause genuine sympathy to be extended to sorrowing relatives.

From the details available it appears that Mr. Hockey arose between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. yesterday morning to take a dose of cough mixture. By some mischance the bottle which he thought contained the desired palliative actually contained poison and Mr Hockey unsuspectingly took the draught which was to have such tragic results.

It is alleged that immediately after swallowing the contents Mr. Hockey remarked to his wife that the mixture had a bitter, foreign taste, and Mrs. Hockey, on investigating, made the alarming discovery that Mr. Hockey had drunk from a bottle of weed poison.

Help was immediately summoned and an antedote administered, with what was then thought to be the desired effect. Later in the day, however, Mr. Hockey became violently ill and Mr. J. W. Gray motored the patient along the road to meet the ambulance which had been summoned about 2.30 p.m.

Mr. Hockey was admitted to Tweed District Hospital in a serious condition, and, despite all that medical aid could do, succumbed at 5.30 p.m.

The late Mr. Hockey, who was 44 years of age, had been a resident or the district for approximately 25 years, and for upwards of 16 years had conducted an auctioneer's and commission agent's business at Burringbar. He was also a prominent member of the Loyal Star Burringbar Lodge, Ancient Mancnester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows and during his long association with that body had held many important offices - including P.N.G. and Financial Secretary.

Civic and sporting matters also engaged his attention and he held the offices of president of the School of Arts Committee and president of Burringbar Cricket Club

The late Mr. Hockey is survived by a widow, two daughters (Beryl and Hazel), two sisters (Mrs. A. Ross and Mrs F. Barlow, Brisbane), and two brothers, Spencer (Casino) and Bert (Wingham).

The funeral will move from All Saints' Church at 2 p.m. today for Murwillumbah General Cemetery.

Tweed Daily (Murwillumbah, NSW : 1914 - 1949) Saturday 31 May 1930 p 4 Article